I know (err hope) that Frame-Relay is on its way out but I hear that there are still some questions about it on the CCNA exam so….. I have to learn it. I found it to be a little easier to configure than I thought.
In reading various blogs and “how-to” guides; everyone is suggesting to use sub-interfaces for Frame-Relay configurations. This is not necessary all the time however it makes it a lot easier to troubleshoot. Here is my network diagram
*Branch S1/0.100 points to DLCI 202 on Port 10 on frame switch
*Edge S1/0.100 points to DLCI 101 on Port 1 on frame switch
I started the configuration by setting up the serial interfaces on the routers to use Frame-Relay (Don’t forget to turn on the interface – a.k.a. “no shutdown”):
Branch#: configure terminal
Branch(config)#: interface serial1/0
Branch(config)#: encapsulation frame-relay
Branch(config)#: no shutdown
Then I move on to creating the sub-interfaces on the routers and assigning an IP address to them:
Branch(config)#: interface serial1/0.100 point-to-point
Branch(config)#: ip address
Then I need to set the frame-relay settings on the sub-interface (notice the “ietf” on the end of the command, that is the encapsulation type and since I am configuring this on a per-interface basis I need to include it in the command here as oppose to configuring the whole interface to use “ietf.”). Since this is the “Branch” router and it connects to port 10 on the frame switch, I need to configure it with DLCI 202. Change this to 101 for the “Edge” router.
Branch(config)#: frame-relay interface-dcli 202 ietf
That’s it, you’re all done. This is a simple point-to-point configuration. You could also use frame-mapping as well as multi-point configurations (which is really cool).
Links to sites that helped me out:
Cisco: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/ios/12_1/wan/configuration/guide/wcdfrely.html#wp1003004
Tech-recipes: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/385/cisco_configure_frame_relay_on_router/
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