Monday, December 5, 2011

External Response Group Call Routing with Lync Server

I stole (er...found) this and it is awesome for Lync. Props to

Once you start playing with Response Groups in Lync (or OCS) it probably wont be long before you want one to dial out to your PBX. In my case recently it was to get a support line to call an on-call mobile.

Out of the box, Lync wont.

Any outbound call needs a voice route to determine its routing path and permissions – without one it simply cant go anywhere. In short when the RGS tries to dial out it will default to your global voice policy which (unless you’ve changed it – and you shouldn’t) wont route.

Your first task is to therefore create a voice policy that includes the number (or number pattern) you want to call and define a gateway device.
  • You can do this via the Lync Control Panel or Powershell.
  • Make sure the voice policy is of type ”User” otherwise you wont be able to apply it to your RGS object
  • Make sure you commit the new policy otherwise it wont be available for use (you’ll get a policy is not a user policy error).
Then you need to bind that policy to your RGS object. You definitely need Powershell for this bit.
Grant-CSVoicePolicy -identity “RGSWorkflowObject” -PolicyName VoicePolicyYouCreated
For identity, use the display name of your RGS Workflow object.

And you’re done. Your RGS can now dial out.

Last tip – make sure the number you’re trying to dial out to is entered fully normalised in the format  



Alternative to the Windows desktop

Are you like several of my friends that like to save EVERYTHING to their desktop? So let me paint the picture for you.... You have 50 documents, pictures, shortcuts, and music files on your desktop with put a picture of you in New York for New Years Eve as the background (example). Then you get mad when you can't find the document that you are trying to find on your desktop. Sound familiar? Is this your desktop?

How are you supposed to find anything in that mess anyway? Everything looks the same. Where is that "HAVE TO HAVE" file that you need for your boss by closing time??? Crap did it download.... I have waited my usual 1/2 second to have it magically appear, I better download it again. Where else, the Desktop. Don't worry, I will move it later (oh no, you fell into that trap as well?). Tell me how many times have you said that and "got busy" and forgot? Me = guilty as well.

I have no problem with saving things to the desktop however I would like to introduce a better place to store things. A little folder called My Documents.  uh.... hello Bob, that will never work. Microsoft puts that folder there for people like you that know computers. Maybe, but they also put things in this folder to assist you in keeping your documents organized so people like me can back them up and find them for you when you computer fails.

Windows Vista introduced a new concept called "libraries" as folder shortcuts. These are a great way to quickly and easily place documents where they can be stored and organized. Which makes finding them later easy. Every Library that you make will show up on the left hand side in the navigation pane when you open or save a file. making it easy to find.

There are some libraries already created for you, such as Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. Use these. Microsoft put them there for a reason. They put files in the right spot where they need to go. But Bob.... I don't like these and I just want to put a file somewhere real quick so I can find it. Ok then, let's make a TEMP library where we can do just that.

First we need to create a TEMP a folder that we can include in our new library.

1. Click the start button and click "Documents"
2. Click on the "New Folder" button near the top
3. Type TEMP as the name of the folder

Now to create a library shortcut for this TEMP folder. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Start button, click your user name (which opens your personal folder), and then, in the left pane, click Libraries.
  2. In Libraries, on the toolbar, click New library.
  3. Type a name for the library, and then press Enter.
  4. Click the name of the library that you just created.
  5. Click the "Include a folder" button
  6. Browse to the TEMP folder you just made. 
Now we have a TEMP library on the side that you can save things in. Plus, since this folder is under the documents directory, it will be easy to backup.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Clearing DFS Cache

"Server cannot find network path of DFS name space"

Ever ran into that before on a Windows 2008 Server? That is a great error that tells you nothing. Love it. Thanks Microsoft. That great descriptive error from Microsoft means that the cache for the DFS name space is either pointing to the wrong location to is corrupt. Read on to learn how to fix this error....
So your cache is brok-ie no work-ie eh? Here is a quick little command that you can run from an elevated (right click and choose run as administrator) command prompt to "flush" the DFS cache on your local server:

dfsutil cache referral flush

So if you run this from your server right now, it will fail and you will be saying - "What happened???" I did like Bob told me to. That's because you haven't installed the tools that you need on the server to support this command. You need to install the "File Services Tools" on the server. Here's how:

Open Server Manager, under Add Feature, Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), Role Administration Tools, File Services Tools

Now close and reopen your elevated command prompt and paste the DFS command in again. Now it should work and clear your cache. No reboot needed.

Here is more information
2008 2003

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Favorite "8" Keyboard Shortcuts

Have you ever seen that one "IT" guy that seems to be sooooo fast on the computer that you can't seem to follow him or what he is doing? Next time you see that, pay attention to his hands. I bet they rarely leave the keyboard. I made a decision that I was going to learn to use keyboard shortcuts to accomplish my everyday tasks and I swear it made me faster. I decided to share my top 8 favorite keyboard shortcuts with everyone.

1. Windows key

I love that little Windows key down there on either side of the space bar. That key is so useful to do anything. To open "My Computer" all you have to do is press the Windows key + "E" and BAM there it is. Windows Explorer.

2. Control + an arrow key (either right or left)

You know that you can move the cursor from right to left with the arrow keys but, what if you want to scroll all the way through a line of text. What if I could make it so that you could skip back a word at a time as opposed to a letter at a time. I am here to tell you that pressing Control + arrow key will do just that. Your welcome for the extra time you have to take out the trash and fix dinner.

3. Control + C & Control + V   (Copy and Paste)

An oldie but a goodie. I use this shortcut EVERY DAY - ALL DAY long. I rarely type anything out anymore. Copy and paste baby.

     Control + C = copy
     Control + V = paste

4. F5 (refresh)

Learn to love this key. If you are waiting for an ebay action to end, Facebook to update, or can't wait to read Britney Spears latest F5. That will cause the web page (and other things as well) to refresh and give you the latest content. Use it every where on the computer, not just a Internet Explorer. Love it!!!!

5. Control + A (select all)

How many of us love to click and drag, then just to mess up and have to do it over? I want to copy everything from this folder to that one. Press control + A and it will select it all for you. Then use hint #3 with hint #7 to perform the copy and paste. You hands will never leave the keyboard and you will be shocked on how fast it was.

6. Select + An arrow key (either right of left)

Selecting or highlighting a line in a document is hard to do with the mouse. You have to click and  hold and drag and not too far....go back...wait it jumped to another line. Next time try this; put your cursor on the letter right before the word or phrase that you want to highlight, then press and hold down SHIFT and an arrow key. That will highlight one letter at a time. Then use hint #3 to copy and paste it.

7. Alt + Tab (Move between windows)

Ok folks...time to get real. This is the best tip that I can give you. If you press alt + tab it will switch from window to window (application to application). Say for example that you have a letter you are typing open in Word and you found this great tag line from a website that you want to put there. Here is how I would do it without moving my hands from the keyboard:

Hint #6 - Hold down SHIFT and press the right arrow key to highlight the text that I want from the site
Hint #3 - Press Control + C to copy it
Hint #7 - Press Alt + Tab to move to the Word document
Hint #3 - Press Control + V to paste it

This hint will change the way that you use the keyboard. I can have numerous windows open at the same time and with this hint, I can flip back and forth between applications, making me look like I am flying around on a computer. Use this one to show your boss that you deserve that raise!!!!

8. F2 

Ever wanted to change the name of a document without having to fast now it is opening. Close now I can change the file name. What a pain. Now you can use F2 to rename the file. Highlight (or click once) the name of the file, then press F2. That will allow you to rename. This works in Excel as well, editing the contents of a cell.

Just to prove that it can be done for myself, I typed this whole blog without touching the mouse. Now you can shock and amaze your friends at parties.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

HTML WebForm with PHP and MySQL - Part 4

Part 4 - PHP Script to insert data into database
Recap: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Now that we have the database and all of the columns created, we now need to get that data into the database. We can do that with a PHP script.

First we need to build a PHP file that we can edit. Create a new file on your webserver and name it whatever you want (I called mine "pushtodb.php"). Now open that file with your editor of choice. I like notepad++ but you can use whatever is more comfortable for you.

Just like in HTML, we have to open the PHP script with <?PHP (and don't forget to close the tag now so you don't forget later - close it with ?>  ). This tells the browser that you are going to use PHP as oppose to just HTML. 

Lets create a variable to open up a connection to the SQL server. You do that with this command:

     $con = mysql_connect("SQL_server_name","username","password");

Now we have to tell the SQL server which database to use. This command will connect to the SQL server and open up the proper database:

     mysql_select_db("database_name", $con);

Notice the "$con" in that statement? That will take the first statement that we wrote and inject it into this one. Trust me, putting things in variables will make your life a LOT easier as you can reuse the variables throughout the script. 

Time to write that SQL statement that we will actually insert values into the database. Let's make this in a variable named "$sql" so we can use it over and over. At this point (if you read Part 1) you should have all your inputs from your webform in a text file so we can input them in the SQL statement. You have them in notepad++ right??? Right??? Here is the SQL statement; copy and paste this into notepad++ so you can edit it as you need to:

     $sql="INSERT INTO table_name (input_1, input_2, input_3)

Ok we have all the connections out of the way, now time for use to actually perform the command(s). Here is the code that will take all the variables we defined and put them in a IF statement:
     if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
     die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
One more piece of code that we will need now but will make more sense later on:
      $id = mysql_insert_id ( );
Whew. Come on Bob aren't we done yet? Nope, we have three more steps to finish. 
1. Assign the URL that we want people to go to after the script has been ran
2. Setup the email that will alert us when something has been submitted
3. close the SQL connection
Task 1:  Assign the URL

Put this in a variable, I used the variable "$url" but you can use whatever helps you remember what it is.

     $url = '';

The command that will actually take users to the next page is (look for that variable):

     echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL='.$url.'">';

Task 2: Setup the email

You are going to see variables from above in this one. You can see why variables are important.

     $emailadd = '';
     $subject = 'New contract was submitted';
     $body = "This is the body of the email:";
     $text = $body. " " . $id;

     mail($emailadd, $subject, $text, 'From: '.$emailadd.'');

Pay attention to the bottom line. That is the actual command that will send the email out. As you can see, we are building the email with all the variables we make right above it. See that "$id" variable there. I put that in the email in a future lesson we will use that to lookup this form. We need a place holder that we can call this specific form from the database, and since ID is always unique, its the perfect one to use. 

Task 3: Closing the SQL connection (the easy one)

You are going to find this a real challenge. Here is the code (look for the variable that we assigned earlier):


At the bottom of the script you should see (if you followed directions from above) the ?> to close the PHP script. 

That's it. Post that to your site and give it a shot. Let me know if it works!!!! Good luck.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Showing Advanced Features in Active Directory

I edit SPN's a lot with MS SQL server and I was sick of using ADSIedit so I found that the ADMINPAK for Windows 7 would allow me to edit the SPN's directly. Only problem is that you can't see the "Attributes" tab in Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) without turning on the advanced features. Here is how I turned them on:

1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers (Start -> Run -> type: dsa.msc -> Ok)

2. Click on "View" then check "Advanced Features"

Now you can see the "Attributes" tab as well as a lot of other tabs that make editing user profiles a lot easier for the lonely sys-admin.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

HTML WebForm with PHP and MySQL - Part 3

Part 3 - Creating the MySQL database
Recap: Part 1 | Part 2

In part 1 & 2 we created a webform that will submit the results to an email address. This is great unless you want it to be readable to non-computer geek people. Also there is no record of the form being submitted except for the email. To accomplish this we need to input the results into a database. I choose MySQL as my hosting provider gave this as part of my package.

Step #1 in putting the form data into a SQL database is to create the database and table where the data will reside. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this however I choose to use the built-in SQL manager. This blog article is not to debate the technology you choose to setup the database, just how to format the columns.

A SQL database is made of tables with columns and rows. A table is like an Excel document with columns and rows. The first thing that we need to do is create a column that will be unique for each row. Most everyone calls this "ID" column. Create this as an integer as well as the following options:

CANNOT BE NULL (can't be blank)
AUTO INCREMENT (increases by 1 each time something is put in the database)

You can call this row of data to pull data back out of the database. Now to create the rest of the columns.

Remember in Part 1 we defined the input values for each box in the web form. Now we need to create a column for index value. In my form I used "NAME" as the first box that users fill out, which means that I will need to create a column in the database that will receive that data. Create a TEXT column that will receive text form the input box.

Rinse and repeat for every input value you have created in your form. Once you have your table and all the columns defined, you can check your work by running this command:

DESC tablename

That command will show you all the columns in the table and what they are formatted as (i.e. Integer vs TEXT).

In Part 4 we will show you how to put that data in the database with a PHP script that we call from the <form action="SCRIPT.PHP"> that we defined in step #1 in the webform.

Friday, August 5, 2011

HTML WebForm with PHP and MySQL - Part 2

Part 2 - Creating the PHP script (for email)

If you missed it; here is Part 1 - Creating the HTML form

"Prerequisites” – Your webhosting provider / server must support PHP scripts. I use Earthlink and they have a control center where I can enable/disable PHP scripts. Make sure to enable this prior to putting this live in production.

So far we have a HTML webform with the form tag method="post" that will gather the data for us. We also have the form tag action="sendresults.php" which we will use to send us the results to an email account.

NOTE: I can't take credit for this script as I stole it from here:

Whew……the boring stuff is out of the way, here are the steps to complete this:

Step 1: Download the file from this blog and save on your computer named "sendresults.php"

Step 2: Right click and edit this file in notepad.

Step 3: Change the following lines ($subject / $emailadd / $url)

Step 4: Save the file back to the server.

Let me take a minute to explain the $url. That "$" means that it is a variable and we can name it whatever we want. We can call it $bobisawesome if we wanted to. Basically this is being made we can use it later in the script without having to type in the long URL.

Now we can test the form. If you changed the field (variables) I told you to above, then you should be able to click submit on your form and in a few minutes, receive an email. You should also be redirected to another website (the $url variable) after clicking the submit button.

Let me break down some of the script for you. Look for this line close to the bottom:

mail($emailadd, $subject, $text, 'From: '.$emailadd.'');

This is actually the command that will email us the form. You can see I am building the email with the variables that we declared earlier in the script. Next look for this line:

echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL='.$url.'">';

The ECHO command is the one that we will use to perform the next step (which in our case is to redirect to another page). If you look close at the end of the “ECHO” command, you will see our “$url” variable – yeah!!! The ECHO command can also be used to return something like: 1 row of data updated (which you will see more in the SQL part)


  • If you are redirected to a blank screen with the name of the PHP script in the address; that means that your script blew up. They don’t produce error codes due to security issues. Just know that you didn’t set something in the script properly.
  • Make sure that your email is not sitting in your junk email folder
  • Confirm that PHP scripts are enabled on your web server / hosting provider.
I have enclosed a copy of the PHP script on this blog. Stay tuned for our next part of the series: Part 3 – Putting the data into a SQL database. I know…..I can hardly wait myself.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

HTML WebForm with PHP and MySQL - Part 1

A friend of mine asked me to create a form on his website so users could submit contracts to him without printing/faxing/attaching to email/etc..... So I said sure. I created a HTML webform and had it emailed to him every time someone clicked submit via a PHP script. Life was happy and he was happy until he started to receive them via plain text and it was unreadable to a non-IT person. So I needed to put it in a more "user friendly" format.

I started with looking for a PHP script that would email a friendlier version with no luck. I found a couple of people that tried but nothing that wasn't super hard to use. It showed very quickly that going down that road wasn't the best. So I decided to put it in a SQL database. His hosting provider gave him 3 databases to use on a shared MySQL server.

I am creating a series of blogs on how I accomplished this task. Stay tuned for more but for now, here is how I wrote the HTML web form.

Preview of the site:

Part 1

The first step is to create the HTML form. My tasks were to create a "Contracts" webform that looked like his other pages on his site. I had access to his site so the easiest way to start was to get a copy of another page and "Save-As" to a page called Contracts.html. Now that I have a shell of his page (top links, graphics, etc...) I can clean out the middle stuff and add the webform.

Important note to learn now and not later like I did: PHP and MySQL don't do well with CAPTIAL letters. Put everything in lowercase letters - you will be glad you did later.

Start the form with an HTML tag of

<form action="sendresults.php" method="post" name="contractform" id="contractform">

This will set the form up for you. Out of habit, I always close the HTML tag every time I open one. Just saves you from having to do it later. Let me explain a little about what this command does.

action="nameofphpscript.php" - This is what the submit button will do when it is clicked.
method="post" - You get two options here; POST or GET. very simply, POST puts stuff somewhere and GET gets stuff from somewhere.
name="contractform" - This is the name of the form.
id="contractform" - This is the id of the form

Now you can create all your tables and and inputs remembering to name them with lowercase letters. I set all of my inputs to [type="text"] just to make it easier. Functionality first and make it pretty later!!!

Helpful hint: If I were in your shoes, I would start a list of all the inputs that you make, it will pay off in the PHP script and inserting into SQL part of the blog series.

Now for the all important SUBMIT and RESET buttons. Here is the code:

<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit" />
<input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="reset" />

So that will create (2) buttons on our form. One will submit the form to the ACTION="nameofphpscript" that we defined earlier. The other will clear all fields on the form so the user can start all over. The way they are defined by their function is the value="reset" tag in the code.

Now we should have a webform that looks the way that you want it to. Now we have to do something with it once they click submit. Stay tuned as that is the next part of this blog series.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enabling Protected Security Groups (domain admins) in Lync 2010

After installing and getting my Lync 2010 server up and running I was ready to enable and add myself to the Lync server. I logged into the Admin Console for Lync and added myself with all the correct options. Then I clicked "Enable" and found this error:

"Active Directory operation failed on "domain controller". You cannot retry this operation: "Insufficient access rights to perform the operation"

What do you mean I don't have rights, I'm a Domain Admin for crying out loud!!!! So onto the troubleshooting my rights. I have rights in AD. Lync server can contact the domain no problem. Everything looked to be fine. Then I found that my user account was in a "Protected Security Group" by being a domain admin.

Due to some security features in Active Directory (explained here), when you add or make a change to a user that is in a "Protected Security Group" (i.e. Enterprise or Domain Admins) in Lync 2010, you have to change their security to:

"Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent"

Steps to change this setting:

1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC)
2. Change to the domain controller that is close to the Lync server
3. Follow the steps in this article to enable advanced features
4. Open the properties of the user account that you are enabling
5. Click on the "Security" tab
6. Click on "Advanced"
7. Check the box highlighted above
8. "OK" all the way back to ADUC
9. Enable the user in Lync admin console

This will allow you to enable them in the Lync server. This also applies to Exchange and here is a technet article that explains this in more depth.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Road to the CCNA

After years of procrastinating and employers hounding me to get my CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associate) certification, I am finally pursuing it. So, I thought that I would blog about my adventure. Hold on, this is going to be a nail-biter….

I have always said that I needed to take the exam once just to see what it was like so I did just that; and failed. I was close and pretty happy with my score a 745 (you need 825 to pass). It did teach me a lot about what I need to prepare for my next sitting on July 9th, 2010. Here are a couple of notes for those of you getting ready to take it:

1. You can’t go back to review and/or change your previous questions answers; only forward. I knew this beforehand but it is always good to mention and remind everyone.

2. I almost ran out of time. It was a 90 minute exam with 50 questions, and I ended with 5:09 minutes left. That isn’t a lot of time per question. I got the multiple choice questions pretty easy but the simulation questions were a killer both time wise and how hard they were. The sim’s took about 15-20 minutes each.

3. Subnetting (shock and awe). You should be extremely proficient in subnetting. I didn’t have a ton of questions on subnetting (like 4) but I already had my cheat sheet written down and I could answer the subnetting questions very quickly saving exam question time, which is the biggest reason for being proficient in subnetting.

4. The “?” command WAS available in all simulations (thank the good lord!!!!) and IIRC the auto-complete was on as well. This was huge in my favor as it helped me on the EIGRP sim.

5. You are on the console of the devices in the sim’s, not the VTY. That means that you will see the messages scroll in the window when things change (i.e. an interface going up or down). This was also helpful on my EIGRP sim as I could see when the neighbor was responding and UP.

6. Don’t forget to apply the access-list to the interface, oops. I know for sure that I got one sim wrong as I forgot to apply it to the interface. Lesson learned.

7. Learn CDP commands. I had one sim that required me to look for which switch updated the VTP domain. Missed that because I didn’t remember “show cdp neighbors detail” command. Also the CDP commands are helpful making sure routers are plugged into the right ports that you are advertising routes on.

All-in-all I was happy with my first showing out of the gate. My study material was a little dated; I took the CCNA class from Sullivan University (link) in 2006 and I have the “old exam” books so I think that I am going to pick up the new book to read this coming weekend. I have lined out a study plan as follows:

- Router Simulator to learn the Cisco IOS commands and how to make them work.

o I like GNS3 for my simulator. Get it here. You will need your own IOS but the simulator is awesome.

o I have worked an EIGRP, OSPF, Access-list, Frame-Relay, RIPv1 and v2 on GNS3 so far.

- Read as much as possible from the new Cisco Press book and as they seem to have everything you need on their website (funny how that works).

- Practice exams (online and through Actual tests). Some people call this cheating, I call it preparing for a tough exam. Just don’t use them to memorize the answers, really try to learn from them (as they do NOTHING for the sim’s and sim’s are a huge part of your exam score).

Adding First and Last names to Active Directory

I know that my first blog being about VB scripting will shock some of you as I am a diehard SharePoint fan, but none the less this was cool. I wrote my first VB script the other day that import over 430 first and last names into Active Directory from a .csv file. It was awesome to see it work after hours or research and testing. I know that most of you are saying, big whoop I do this in my sleep, but for me it was a real eye opener. I hope that this helps someone else in the future. Anyways, here is what I did and what I learned....

I needed a quick way to import 430 first and last names into Active Directory. I knew that DSMOD would be the command that I would use to add them, but how to automate this so I didn’t have to do it by hand? VB Script.

Step #1: I need to declare all the variables in the top of the script. I have been told to put them up here is no necessary, just considered good “coding.” Here are the variables that I declared:

dim swnum

dim swUser

dim swFirst

dim swLast

dim i

Set oShell = CreateObject(“”)

Set oNet = CreateObject(“Wscript.Network”)

Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)

f = 500

g = 0

i = 0

Step 1(b): In addition to declaring the variable, we need to define the path to the .csv file. This is how I did it:

BSConfig = “\\ServerUNC\Share\FileName.csv”

Step 1(c): Now that we have defined the configuration file, we have to declare the variable that will call the configuration file. (confused yet?)

BSinfo = oFSO.OpenTextFile(BSConfig,ForReading,True)

Step #2: I need to write a sub-routine that would open the text file and query the .csv columns and push the values to the variables that I could use in the DSMOD command line. Here is the sub-routine:

Sub getinfo()

Do While BSinfo.AtEndOfStream <> True

Line = Bsinfo.ReadLine

LineArray = Split(Line,“,”,-1,1)

i = i + 1 <- This was added to up the count each time to read different lines on the .csv file ->

swnum = LineArray(0) <- The LineArray(0) are the columns in the .csv files ->

swUser = LineArray(1)

swFirst = LineArray(2)

swLast = LineArray(3)

Exit Do

Wscript.sleep “5000”


If i=500 then <- This will stop the script at the end. Change the 500 to a number after ->

Wscript.exit <- the last row in your .csv file ->

end if

Step #3: I need to write another sub-routine that would execute the DSMOD command. This was the tricky one.

Sub Process ()

Do While g"less than"f

getinfo <- this calls the sub-routine “getinfo” ->

if swUser = “END” then

exit do

end if “cmd /c start dsmod user “”CN=” & swUser & “,OU=Users,DC=Microsoft,DC=com”” –fn “ & swFirst & “ –ln “ & swLast

if g = 500 then


end if

g = g + 1


Wscript.sleep “1000”

End Sub

· First, I had to get the EXACT command line with all the right switches for the DSMOD.

· Second, I had to use the “CMD start” line to call the CMD Prompt to execute the DSMOD command. This is the “” line.

· Third, I had to insert the variables from the sub-routine “getinfo” into the command line (this is where the rubber meets the road). Look for the variables in the DSMOD command line.

Step #4: I had to call the sub-routine that I wanted to run as the script. This is the part of the whole script that makes it work.

Process <- This will call the sub-routine “Process” ->

Let’s review; I had to declare all my variables (at the top for “good coding”), then I wrote my sub-routines, after that I had the VB script run “process” which kicks off the whole script. Sit back and watch the fireworks. I have posted the entire script in the “Downloads” link below.

This opened a whole new world for me. I am going to attempt to script everything now.
