Moving users one at a time through the EMC was getting super old so I decided to write a script for it to speed it up. Below is the script that I use to migrate a user from the on-prem Exchange 2010 server to Office 365:
A couple of notes on what the script is doing:
- You will need to edit the lines in the "Declaring the variables" section to fit your environment
- Pay attention to the help file at the beginning of the script on how to run the script
- The first thing the script will do is prompt you TWICE for credentials.
- Once for Exchange on-prem server (LDAP)
- Second for Microsoft Online (Office 365)
- Next it will load all the modules/snapins that you will need during this script
- Starting the script:
1. First thing that we are going to do is disable Unified Messaging (UM) on the on-prem Exchange server. You can't migrate a user while UM is enabled.
2. License the user in Office 365
3. Set the location for the user to US in Office 365
4. Connect to Microsoft Exchange Online with a new session
5. Create the move request for the user from on-prem to Office 365
6. Sends a conformation email to you once the move has been scheduled.
Here is the script:
(quick note: to run this in bulk, just throw in a FOREACH loop in there before the license part)
# **************************************
# ******** NOTES / Help File ***********
# **************************************
To migrate users one at a time from on-prem Exchange to Office 365
This script will migrate one user at a time to Office 365.
It will disable Unified messaging on the local Exchange server,
then migrate the user to Office 365.
SingleUserO365migrate.ps1 -UPN -ext 1234
Assumptions - This script is being ran from a server that has
the following PowerShell modules installed:
Exchange 2010 / AD / Microsoft Online / Quest AD
The parameters that you will need to include in the script are:
- UPN = The Users EMAIL address
- ext = The phone ext of the user that you are migrating
Script developed by Bob Ausmus (
#************* Parameters *************
#*******Declaring the variables********
#License to be used is $License
$license = "<License pack of your Office 365 License>"
#On Premises CAS Server is: $OnPremCas
$OnPremCas = "<URL of your OWA from On-Prem Exchange Server>"
#Target Delivery Domain is: $TargetDeliveryDom
$TargetDeliverydom = "<URL of your Office 365 domain>"
#Getting the username of the user that is running the script
$curuser = $env:username
#Creditials for on-prem Exchange Server
$onpremcred = $host.ui.PromptForCredential("Domain Login", "Please enter your LDAP username and password", "DOMAIN\$curuser", "")
# Get Local Users Creditials for MS Online
$cred = $host.ui.PromptForCredential("Microsoft Online Login", "Please enter your email address and password", "$", "")
# Setting the name of your Exchange Server
$exchangeserver = <insert name of your Exchange server here>
# Setting for email report
$ToEmail = ""
$FromEmail = ""
$Subject = "Subject for email"
$smtpserver = ""
#***********Helper Functions***********
# Countdown Function
function CountDown($waitMinutes) {
$startTime = get-date
$endTime = $startTime.addMinutes($waitMinutes)
$timeSpan = new-timespan $startTime $endTime
write-host "`nSleeping for $waitMinutes minutes..." -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
while ($timeSpan -gt 0) {
$timeSpan = new-timespan $(get-date) $endTime
write-host "`r".padright(40," ") -nonewline
write-host $([string]::Format("`rTime Remaining: {0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}", `
$timeSpan.hours, `
$timeSpan.minutes, `
$timeSpan.seconds)) `
-nonewline -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
sleep 1
write-host ""
#*****Checking PowerShell Modules******
# Inserting some blank lines to make the script prettier
# Exchange Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Exchange Management PowerShell is installed"
if ((get-pssnapin -name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010")
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
. $env:ExchangeInstallPath\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1
Connect-ExchangeServer $exchangeserver -AllowClobber
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Active Directory PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "ActiveDirectory")
write-host ActiveDirectory Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module activedirectory
write-host Active Directory PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Microsoft Online Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Microsoft Online PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name MSOnline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "MSOnline")
write-host Microsoft Online Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module MSOnline
connect-msolservice -credential $cred
write-host Microsoft Online PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Quest AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Quest AD PowerShell module is installed"
# <old> if (Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement"})
if ((get-pssnapin -name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement")
write-host Quest AD Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host Quest AD PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
#*********Starting the script**********
write-host "Disabling UM for $UPN" -backgroundcolor cyan -foregroundcolor black
$User = $UPN -replace "", ""
Disable-UMMailbox -Identity $User -Confirm:$false
# Enable License and Location in MS Online Office 365
# Setting the location for the user in Office 365 to be "United States"
write-host "Setting Usage Location for $UPN to United States" -backgroundcolor cyan -foregroundcolor black
if (get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName $UPN | where {$_.UsageLocation -ne "US"})
write-host Setting the location for $UPN to US
set-msoluser -userprincipalname $UPN -usagelocation US
write-host "The location is already set to US, skipping this step"
start-sleep -s 2
# Setting the License for the user to be the proper license in Office 365
write-host "Setting License for $UPN to $license" -backgroundcolor cyan -foregroundcolor black
if (get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName $UPN | where {$_.isLicensed -ne "True"})
write-host Setting the License in Office 365 for $UPN
set-msoluserlicense -UserPrincipalName $UPN -Addlicenses $license
write-host $UPN already has the $license set, skipping this step
start-sleep -s 2
write-host "Connecting to the Microsoft Online Exchange Server(s)"
# Enabling UM on the mailbox in Office 365 Exchange Environment
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
import-pssession $session -prefix o365
write-host "Creating Mailbox Move Request for $UPN" -backgroundcolor cyan -foregroundcolor black
new-o365moverequest -Identity $UPN -Remote -RemoteHostName $OnPremCas -RemoteCredential $onpremcred -TargetDeliveryDomain $TargetDeliveryDom -BadItemLimit 100 -LargeItemLimit 49
Send-MailMessage -To $ToEmail -From $FromEmail -Subject $Subject -SmtpServer $smtpserver -body "$UPN is being moved to Office 365. They are in $officelocation."
write-host "**** The script is complete ****" -backgroundcolor green -foregroundcolor black
# *****************************************************************
# ****************THIS IS THE BOTTOM OF THE SCRIPT*****************
# *****************************************************************
Friday, October 18, 2013
PowerShell Module and SnapIn Checks
One of the companies that I do a lot of work for uses Office 365 and everything they do is in bulk. Going through the portal to do anything is time consuming for everyone so I have been writing PowerShell scripts to automate as much as possible. The most common thing that I found is that I have to load the following modules and snapin's almost every time I run a script or a command. So rather than opening up several PowerShell windows to accomplish this task, I just load all the modules in the one window and proceed from there.
Here is the script that I put in place for loading all the modules for the following products:
Here is the script that I put in place for loading all the modules for the following products:
- Exchange 2010
- Active Directory
- MS Online (Office 365)
- Quest AD Tools
The script does a check first to see if you have the module/snapin already loaded. If so, then it will skip to the next one. If not, then it will load the module/snapin.
# Exchange Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Exchange Management PowerShell is installed"
if ((get-pssnapin -name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010")
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Active Directory PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "ActiveDirectory")
write-host ActiveDirectory Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module activedirectory
write-host Active Directory PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Microsoft Online Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Microsoft Online PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name MSOnline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "MSOnline")
write-host Microsoft Online Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module MSOnline
connect-msolservice -credential
write-host Microsoft Online PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Quest AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Quest AD PowerShell module is installed"if ((get-pssnapin -name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement")
write-host Quest AD Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host Quest AD PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
write-host "Checking to see if the Exchange Management PowerShell is installed"
if ((get-pssnapin -name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010")
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host Exchange Management PowerShell is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Active Directory PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "ActiveDirectory")
write-host ActiveDirectory Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module activedirectory
write-host Active Directory PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Microsoft Online Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Microsoft Online PowerShell module is installed"
if ((get-module -name MSOnline -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "MSOnline")
write-host Microsoft Online Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
import-module MSOnline
connect-msolservice -credential
write-host Microsoft Online PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
# Quest AD Module Check
write-host "Checking to see if the Quest AD PowerShell module is installed"if ((get-pssnapin -name Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | foreach { $_.Name }) -ne "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement")
write-host Quest AD Management PowerShell is not added to this session, adding it now...
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host Quest AD PowerShell module is good to go. -backgroundcolor black -foregroundcolor green
start-sleep -s 1
Monday, April 1, 2013
Script: Query AD for when users last changed their passwords
I ran into a challenging question today... My manager asked if I could get a report of all the users and when they changed their password. I knew I could get this via "DSGET and DSQUERY" but I wanted to force myself to use PowerShell. So here is the quick little script that I wrote that will do just that...
- You already have a TXT file on your computer that has a list of usernames for all the accounts
- You run these commands on a domain controller or a computer with the remote administration tools installed (to get the AD Module for PowerShell)
The Script:
The "Start-Transcript" and "Stop-Transcript"enable you to get the output in a TXT file so you can import it in excel for later use and manipulation.
Good luck!!!
- You already have a TXT file on your computer that has a list of usernames for all the accounts
- You run these commands on a domain controller or a computer with the remote administration tools installed (to get the AD Module for PowerShell)
The Script:
Import-module activedirectory
| out-null
= "Continue"
-path C:\output.txt -append
$list =
get-content c:\<path to the TXT file with your users in it>\users.txt
($username in $list) {get-aduser -id $username -Properties passwordlastset
|select-object -property name,enabled,passwordlastset}
The "Start-Transcript" and "Stop-Transcript"enable you to get the output in a TXT file so you can import it in excel for later use and manipulation.
Good luck!!!
My road to Hyper-V
Here I wanted to track my road to learning Microsoft Hyper-V.
I have worked with HyperVisors a lot in the past.
- Big fan of VMware ESX
- XenServer is ok (but only have ran Windows on it)
- Hyper-V is a new player to the market.
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 was.... horrible. Just horrible. I really gave it it's fair shake but... no. Hyper-V 1 was, eh, ok. Worlds better than before but "Quick Migration" was the killer that kept it out of the enterprise. Hyper-V 2 was much better than 1. "Live Migration" means that it is now a contender for the enterprise market, however it still wasn't 100% there for management.
That brings us to Hyper-V 3. From what have read and seen.... this version hit it out of the park. I love the management aspect of it now that it is MUCH cheaper (and from what I hear will manage vCenter as well).
I am going to concentrate a series of blog post related to what I learn in relation to Hyper-V 3. If you have any suggestions of where to look, gotcha's, examples, etc... please let me know.
I have worked with HyperVisors a lot in the past.
- Big fan of VMware ESX
- XenServer is ok (but only have ran Windows on it)
- Hyper-V is a new player to the market.
Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 was.... horrible. Just horrible. I really gave it it's fair shake but... no. Hyper-V 1 was, eh, ok. Worlds better than before but "Quick Migration" was the killer that kept it out of the enterprise. Hyper-V 2 was much better than 1. "Live Migration" means that it is now a contender for the enterprise market, however it still wasn't 100% there for management.
That brings us to Hyper-V 3. From what have read and seen.... this version hit it out of the park. I love the management aspect of it now that it is MUCH cheaper (and from what I hear will manage vCenter as well).
I am going to concentrate a series of blog post related to what I learn in relation to Hyper-V 3. If you have any suggestions of where to look, gotcha's, examples, etc... please let me know.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Making "Lync Call" default
I just finished installing Lync server 2010 at work and noticed that the "click to call" feature on the client was not making a "lync call" the default for everyone. This is controlled in the CsClientPolicy for users. Here is the Powershell command to change it:
Set-CsClientPolicy -EnableVOIPCallDefault $True
More information on the full set of options and parameters can be found here:
Set-CsClientPolicy -EnableVOIPCallDefault $True
More information on the full set of options and parameters can be found here:
Monday, March 4, 2013
Favorite Tools to stress-test a connection
Recently at work I turned up a new Metro connection between two locations. Once it was up, I was asked how I verified that indeed I was getting the full 100mb/s that we were paying for. I had to find a tool that would "stress-test" the connection to it's max to prove that it was working.
Here are two of the tools that I used and how I used them:
First tool is: "iperf" (
Great little tool that just works. Tons of options but basically you put it on a laptop at both ends of the connection. One is the client and one is the server. You turn on the server with this command from the command prompt:
iperf -s
Yup, it's that simple. Then take the other laptop to the other end of the connection and type this command from the command prompt:
iperf -c <ip address of the server>
Again, it's that simple. The client will contact the server and will run as fast as it can flooding the connection. Once it's done, you will get a report that shows how long it took to send the packets and the max throughput. Great tool, especially for contractors to prove that everything is working.
Second tool is "Pathtest" (
This is very similar in the way it works to iperf. Same setup as before, just replace the "iperf" with "pathtest" in the commands. The reason I like this one is the report/output is a little neater and easier for none-techie people (like the CFO) to read and understand. They like seeing reports with neat graphs and Pathtest gives them that.
Both tools are ran from the command prompt. The easiest way to open the command prompt is to following these steps:
1. Press and hold the "Windows key" (usually located just left of the space bar) and then press "r"
2. Type in the RUN box the following: cmd
3. Press enter (or click OK)
4. This will bring up a black box. That is the command prompt.
Good luck and I hope this helps next time you need to prove to the bean counters that you are getting what they are paying for.
Here are two of the tools that I used and how I used them:
First tool is: "iperf" (
Great little tool that just works. Tons of options but basically you put it on a laptop at both ends of the connection. One is the client and one is the server. You turn on the server with this command from the command prompt:
iperf -s
Yup, it's that simple. Then take the other laptop to the other end of the connection and type this command from the command prompt:
iperf -c <ip address of the server>
Again, it's that simple. The client will contact the server and will run as fast as it can flooding the connection. Once it's done, you will get a report that shows how long it took to send the packets and the max throughput. Great tool, especially for contractors to prove that everything is working.
Second tool is "Pathtest" (
This is very similar in the way it works to iperf. Same setup as before, just replace the "iperf" with "pathtest" in the commands. The reason I like this one is the report/output is a little neater and easier for none-techie people (like the CFO) to read and understand. They like seeing reports with neat graphs and Pathtest gives them that.
Both tools are ran from the command prompt. The easiest way to open the command prompt is to following these steps:
1. Press and hold the "Windows key" (usually located just left of the space bar) and then press "r"
2. Type in the RUN box the following: cmd
3. Press enter (or click OK)
4. This will bring up a black box. That is the command prompt.
Good luck and I hope this helps next time you need to prove to the bean counters that you are getting what they are paying for.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Powershell script to make a Lync 2010 "Hunt Group" from scratch
I am really trying to beef up on my Powershell so I decided to make a script that would make a Lync 2010 Hunt Group. There was a challenge that I had where I was required to make (10) Hunt Groups workflows, queues, and groups. They were to be the same settings, just different users and phone numbers. The thought of going through all the wizards for all the settings just made me want to cry, so I decided to put the big boy pants on and learn how to do this via Powershell. Here goes....
Let's start by identifying what systems we will need to touch.
- Exchange server for creating the users and voicemail Unified Messaging (UM)
- Domain Controller for setting the 'telephone' option in the users account attributes
- Lync server for creating the users, worflow, queues, and groups.
Now that we know the systems, let declare the order of operations.
1st - Exchange to create the user account ONLY. Voicemail will come later.
2nd - Domain Controller - telephone attribute
-> This is necessary as Exchange uses this information to assign the SIP URI in the next step
3rd - Exchange - enable the voicemail (UM)
4th - Lync to finish the script
Since we know the order of operations, let's dive into the script. I found that Powershell is much like PHP in the fact that you are declare variables in the beginning to use later. One gotcha here is that you can't call variables that haven't been created yet (hard lesson learned here - more to come about that). Here are the variables that I used:
$SetNumber = '1'
$SetName = 'Johnny Smith'
$SetAlias = 'jsmith'
$SetUserPrincipalName = 'jsmith@domain.local'
$SetSAMAccountName = 'jsmith'
$SetFirstName = 'Johnny'
$SetLastName = 'Smith'
$SetPassword = 'Password'
$SetDBStore = 'DatabaseStore01'
$Telephone = '8005551212'
$SIPResourceID = $SetAlias + '@domain.local'
$SetInboxPermission = $SetAlias + ':\inbox'
This is a good time to go ahead and run the commands. They are a little confusing and overwhelming at first look, but I think if you read the command, you will really see the variables in there and it will make sense:
From the Exchange server:
New-Mailbox -Name $SetName -Alias $SetAlias -OrganizationalUnit 'domain.local/OU/CHILD_OU' -UserPrincipalName $SetUserPrincipalName -SamAccountName $SetSAMAccountName -FirstName $SetFirstName -Initials '' -LastName $SetLastName -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false -Database $SetDBStore
From the Domain Controller (NOTE: We have to declare the "$SetAlias" again as we jumped to a new server):
Variable: $SetAlias = 'jsmith'
Command: Set-ADuser -id $SetAlias -officephone $Telephone
From the Exchange Server (don't have to declare the variables as we already have them):
Enable-UMMailbox -Identity $SetName -UMMailboxPolicy "UMDefault Default Policy" -SIPResourceIdentifier $SIPResourceID
I like to set the permissions on the user to allow for everyone to be able to view their mailbox. IMO, this just saves headaches in the future of you allowing users specifically. Here are the commands:
set-MailboxFolderPermission -id $SetAlias -user default -AccessRights reviewer
set-MailboxFolderPermission -id $SetInboxPermission -user default -AccessRights reviewer
From the Lync Server:
(Quick NOTE before we get too far. We have to declare more variables here as we have created the user and now we have to get more information that we could only get AFTER we the previous steps have been created)
$ServiceId = "service:ApplicationServer:server.domain.local"
$GroupName = "Group 1"
$QueueName = "Queue 1"
$WorkFlowName = "Hunt Group 1"
$PrimaryURI = ""
$LineURI = "tel:+18005551212"
$DisplayNumber = "+1 (800) 555-1212"
$DistoList = "distrolist@domain.local"
$VoiceMail = "sip:jsmith@domain.local;opaque=app:voicemail"
1. Create the group:
Command: New-CsRgsAgentGroup -Parent $ServiceId -Name $GroupName -AgentAlertTime 20 -ParticipationPolicy Informal -RoutingMethod Parallel -DistributionGroupAddress $DistoList
2. Create the queue:
Additional Variables: $Group = get-csrgsagentgroup -Name $GroupName
Command: New-CsRgsQueue -Parent $ServiceId -Name $QueueName -TimeoutThreshold 30 -TimeoutAction $ActionTO -AgentGroupIDList($Group.Identity)
3. Create the workflow:
Additional Variables:
$Queue = Get-CsRgsQueue -Name $QueueName
$ActionTO = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToVoiceMailUri -uri $VoiceMail
$ActionWM = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToQueue -QueueID $Queue.Identity
$NBACTION = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToVoicemailUri -uri $VoiceMail
New-CsRgsWorkflow -Parent $ServiceId -Name $WorkFlowName -Description "Hunt Group 1" -PrimaryUri $PrimaryURI -LineUri $LineURI -DisplayNumber $DisplayNumber -Active $true -Anonymous $true -DefaultAction $ActionWM -NonBusinessHoursAction $NBACTION
Create the user in Lync for the voicemail
Attributes: $Username = "jsmith@domain.local"
enable-csuser -identity $UserName -registrarpool lyncserver.domain.local -sipaddresstype Emailaddress -sipdomain domain.local
set-csuser -identity $UserName -enterprisevoiceenabled $true
Grant-CsVoicePolicy -policyname "Voice Policy Name" -Identity $UserName
The script is finished!!!! Now you can go into the Lync control panel and see the changes that you have made. Now the reason for this script, rinse and repeat. Just change the "VARIABLES" to meet your needs. Since this was 1 of 10 users accounts, I just changed it from #1 to #10.
Let's start by identifying what systems we will need to touch.
- Exchange server for creating the users and voicemail Unified Messaging (UM)
- Domain Controller for setting the 'telephone' option in the users account attributes
- Lync server for creating the users, worflow, queues, and groups.
Now that we know the systems, let declare the order of operations.
1st - Exchange to create the user account ONLY. Voicemail will come later.
2nd - Domain Controller - telephone attribute
-> This is necessary as Exchange uses this information to assign the SIP URI in the next step
3rd - Exchange - enable the voicemail (UM)
4th - Lync to finish the script
Since we know the order of operations, let's dive into the script. I found that Powershell is much like PHP in the fact that you are declare variables in the beginning to use later. One gotcha here is that you can't call variables that haven't been created yet (hard lesson learned here - more to come about that). Here are the variables that I used:
$SetNumber = '1'
$SetName = 'Johnny Smith'
$SetAlias = 'jsmith'
$SetUserPrincipalName = 'jsmith@domain.local'
$SetSAMAccountName = 'jsmith'
$SetFirstName = 'Johnny'
$SetLastName = 'Smith'
$SetPassword = 'Password'
$SetDBStore = 'DatabaseStore01'
$Telephone = '8005551212'
$SIPResourceID = $SetAlias + '@domain.local'
$SetInboxPermission = $SetAlias + ':\inbox'
This is a good time to go ahead and run the commands. They are a little confusing and overwhelming at first look, but I think if you read the command, you will really see the variables in there and it will make sense:
From the Exchange server:
New-Mailbox -Name $SetName -Alias $SetAlias -OrganizationalUnit 'domain.local/OU/CHILD_OU' -UserPrincipalName $SetUserPrincipalName -SamAccountName $SetSAMAccountName -FirstName $SetFirstName -Initials '' -LastName $SetLastName -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $false -Database $SetDBStore
From the Domain Controller (NOTE: We have to declare the "$SetAlias" again as we jumped to a new server):
Variable: $SetAlias = 'jsmith'
Command: Set-ADuser -id $SetAlias -officephone $Telephone
From the Exchange Server (don't have to declare the variables as we already have them):
Enable-UMMailbox -Identity $SetName -UMMailboxPolicy "UMDefault Default Policy" -SIPResourceIdentifier $SIPResourceID
I like to set the permissions on the user to allow for everyone to be able to view their mailbox. IMO, this just saves headaches in the future of you allowing users specifically. Here are the commands:
set-MailboxFolderPermission -id $SetAlias -user default -AccessRights reviewer
set-MailboxFolderPermission -id $SetInboxPermission -user default -AccessRights reviewer
From the Lync Server:
(Quick NOTE before we get too far. We have to declare more variables here as we have created the user and now we have to get more information that we could only get AFTER we the previous steps have been created)
$ServiceId = "service:ApplicationServer:server.domain.local"
$GroupName = "Group 1"
$QueueName = "Queue 1"
$WorkFlowName = "Hunt Group 1"
$PrimaryURI = ""
$LineURI = "tel:+18005551212"
$DisplayNumber = "+1 (800) 555-1212"
$DistoList = "distrolist@domain.local"
$VoiceMail = "sip:jsmith@domain.local;opaque=app:voicemail"
1. Create the group:
Command: New-CsRgsAgentGroup -Parent $ServiceId -Name $GroupName -AgentAlertTime 20 -ParticipationPolicy Informal -RoutingMethod Parallel -DistributionGroupAddress $DistoList
2. Create the queue:
Additional Variables: $Group = get-csrgsagentgroup -Name $GroupName
Command: New-CsRgsQueue -Parent $ServiceId -Name $QueueName -TimeoutThreshold 30 -TimeoutAction $ActionTO -AgentGroupIDList($Group.Identity)
3. Create the workflow:
Additional Variables:
$Queue = Get-CsRgsQueue -Name $QueueName
$ActionTO = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToVoiceMailUri -uri $VoiceMail
$ActionWM = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToQueue -QueueID $Queue.Identity
$NBACTION = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToVoicemailUri -uri $VoiceMail
New-CsRgsWorkflow -Parent $ServiceId -Name $WorkFlowName -Description "Hunt Group 1" -PrimaryUri $PrimaryURI -LineUri $LineURI -DisplayNumber $DisplayNumber -Active $true -Anonymous $true -DefaultAction $ActionWM -NonBusinessHoursAction $NBACTION
Create the user in Lync for the voicemail
Attributes: $Username = "jsmith@domain.local"
enable-csuser -identity $UserName -registrarpool lyncserver.domain.local -sipaddresstype Emailaddress -sipdomain domain.local
set-csuser -identity $UserName -enterprisevoiceenabled $true
Grant-CsVoicePolicy -policyname "Voice Policy Name" -Identity $UserName
The script is finished!!!! Now you can go into the Lync control panel and see the changes that you have made. Now the reason for this script, rinse and repeat. Just change the "VARIABLES" to meet your needs. Since this was 1 of 10 users accounts, I just changed it from #1 to #10.
Lync Common Area Phones (Conference Rooms)
I am deploying a Lync Server 2010 at my office and ran into the conference room phones. I started to configure a user account for each phone but quickly realized that it wasn't going to work like I thought. I had to research a way for multiple users to use this phone. Here were my goals to make this happen:
1. Provide great audio sound and not choppy for calls 2. Work for multiple users with different laptops 3. Had to be user friendly and easy to use (or the users would either always call me to set it up or just wouldn't use it)
I started by choosing the better hardware for the phone. A Polycom CX3000 is a perfect solution for conference room phones. PoE phone but will connect via USB as well. Perfect mix for my conference rooms.
Next I need to make it work for all my users. I got a little lucky in the fact that all of my users have Dell laptops and they all take the same docking station. So I dropped a docking station in each conference room and plugged up a keyboard, mouse, HDMI cable to the TV, Ethernet cable and the Polycom CX3000 via USB. That way users can come in, drop their laptop on the docking station, and they have all the tools already plugged in ready to go.
Now the challenging part; making it user friendly. To start this part let me say that when I deployed the Lync phone system to the users, I spent a lot of extra time on the training slides and presentations to make sure everyone knew EVERYTHING about how to use the client. Also, I have a very tech savvy group of users (that helps!!!). Now, since we already have everything plugged in to the docking station, when the users turn on there laptop (and after a quick, really quick, driver install from Lync on the Polycom phone) the Polycom CX3000 was available as a drop down option for them to use as their "speaker phone" on Lync calls, Go-to-meeting calls, and all other calls. The TV was also ready to go so they can share their screen for everyone in the room and, since we are on Lync, they can share that same screen with the external callers via Lync conferencing.
This was a WIN-WIN for our department. Conference rooms have always been a pain for us, but this has really reduced the calls to the helpdesk as well as made our users a lot happier. They are actually using the solution which is the WIN.
Here is a link to the Polycom phone.
1. Provide great audio sound and not choppy for calls 2. Work for multiple users with different laptops 3. Had to be user friendly and easy to use (or the users would either always call me to set it up or just wouldn't use it)
I started by choosing the better hardware for the phone. A Polycom CX3000 is a perfect solution for conference room phones. PoE phone but will connect via USB as well. Perfect mix for my conference rooms.
Next I need to make it work for all my users. I got a little lucky in the fact that all of my users have Dell laptops and they all take the same docking station. So I dropped a docking station in each conference room and plugged up a keyboard, mouse, HDMI cable to the TV, Ethernet cable and the Polycom CX3000 via USB. That way users can come in, drop their laptop on the docking station, and they have all the tools already plugged in ready to go.
Now the challenging part; making it user friendly. To start this part let me say that when I deployed the Lync phone system to the users, I spent a lot of extra time on the training slides and presentations to make sure everyone knew EVERYTHING about how to use the client. Also, I have a very tech savvy group of users (that helps!!!). Now, since we already have everything plugged in to the docking station, when the users turn on there laptop (and after a quick, really quick, driver install from Lync on the Polycom phone) the Polycom CX3000 was available as a drop down option for them to use as their "speaker phone" on Lync calls, Go-to-meeting calls, and all other calls. The TV was also ready to go so they can share their screen for everyone in the room and, since we are on Lync, they can share that same screen with the external callers via Lync conferencing.
This was a WIN-WIN for our department. Conference rooms have always been a pain for us, but this has really reduced the calls to the helpdesk as well as made our users a lot happier. They are actually using the solution which is the WIN.
Here is a link to the Polycom phone.
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